The Story Behind The Story Telling

Crafting a Microbrand from Concept to Rebranding

I’m Édouard Paris, founder of Manime Watches, born from my passion for design and watches. In a four-part mini-series, I’ll take you behind the scenes of building Manime—sharing challenges, victories, and the journey to crafting a unique brand identity. Join me as I reflect on lessons learned and the exciting road ahead.

The Story Behind The Story Telling

Episode 1: How it started

How many of you have had a dream tucked away but never quite found the courage to chase it? That was me until the COVID-19 pandemic turned the world upside...


Episode 1: How it started

How many of you have had a dream tucked away but never quite found the courage to chase it? That was me until the COVID-19 pandemic turned the world upside...